





  • Beaver App
  • BVFVMultiPhasePressureDarcyKernel for the divergence of the total velocity for multi phase flow.
  • BVFVMultiPhasePressureTimeDerivativeKernel for the total pressure transient term for multi phase flow.
  • BVFVMultiPhaseSaturationDarcyKernel for the divergence of Darcy's velocity for multi phase flow.
  • BVFVMultiPhaseSaturationTimeDerivativeKernel for the saturation transient term for multi phase flow.
  • BVFVSinglePhaseDarcyKernel for the divergence of Darcy's velocity for single phase flow.
  • BVFVSinglePhaseSoluteDarcyKernel for the divergence of Darcy's velocity for single pahse flow and solute transport.
  • BVFVSinglePhaseSoluteTimeDerivativeKernel for the transient term for single phase flow solute transport.
  • BVFVSinglePhaseTimeDerivativeKernel for the transient term for single phase flow.



  • Beaver App
  • BVBurgerModelUpdateMaterial for computing a Burger's model viscoelastic update.
  • BVCapillaryPressurePowerLawClass for computing the capillary pressure and its derivatives for two-phase flow as a power law function.
  • BVConstantDispersionComputes a constant dispersion value for the porous medium.
  • BVConstantPermeabilityComputes a constant permeability value for the porous medium.
  • BVConstantPorosityComputes a constant porosity value for the porous medium.
  • BVFluidPropertiesComputes fluid properties (density and viscosity) based on fluid_properties module.
  • BVKelvinViscoelasticUpdateMaterial for computing a linear Maxwell viscoelastic update.
  • BVLubby2ModelUpdateMaterial for computing a Lubby 2's model viscoelastic update.
  • BVMaxwellViscoelasticUpdateMaterial for computing a linear Maxwell viscoelastic update.
  • BVMechanicalMaterialMaterial for computing the deformation of a porous material.
  • BVMultiPhaseFlowMaterialComputes properties for multiphase fluid flow in a porous material.
  • BVPoroMechanicsMaterialMaterial for computing the poroelastic properties of a deformable porous medium.
  • BVRelativePermeabilityPowerLawClass for computing relative permeabilities and their derivatives of a porous material for two-phase flow as power law functions.
  • BVSinglePhaseFlowMaterialComputes properties for single phase fluid flow in a porous material.
  • BVSinglePhaseFlowSoluteMaterialComputes properties for single phase fluid flow and solute transport in a porous material.